5 Medical Treatments for IBS-D

If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), you know that it can have a devastating impact on your life. People who have the diarrhoea-prevalent form of this condition, IBS-D, often struggle to cope at work or attend social events because they frequently need the toilet with little warning. If you struggle with IBS-D, the following types of medication could help.

1. Anti-Diarrhoeal Medications

Medications designed to treat diarrhoea are the most common first-line treatment option for IBS-D. Loperamide, which is available to buy in pharmacies without prescription, is very effective for many people. Another option is dicyclomine, which requires a prescription.

Both these medications suppress the activity of the muscles that move food through the gut, which can help to reduce diarrhoea. The downside is that sometimes they work too well, causing constipation.

2. Fibre Supplements

Many people with IBS-D avoid fibre, believing that it could speed up digestion and make their problem worse. In fact, fibre can soak up excess liquid in the bowel, making stools more solid and therefore less urgent.

Soluble fibre is usually more effective than insoluble fibre for treating IBS-D. Foods contain a mixture of both types, so a supplement is often preferable. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about fibre supplements that are suitable for treating chronic diarrhoea.

3. Bile Acid Medications

Some people have diarrhoea because their body does not absorb bile acid well. Whenever they eat fatty foods, their body releases a large amount of bile acid to digest the fat. This acid is not properly absorbed and remains in the large intestine, causing burning diarrhoea.

Bile acid medications soak up the bile to produce a solid stool, reducing discomfort and urgency. These medications are available on prescription.

4. SSRIs

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are most commonly used to treat depression and anxiety, but they can also be very helpful for people with IBS. These medications change the balance of serotonin in the gut, which can help to restore normal bowel motility. Some people also find the anti-anxiety effect of SSRIs helpful, as stress is a common IBS trigger.

5. TCAs

Tricyclic antidepressants are also useful for treating IBS. They are rarely prescribed for depression today due to their tendency to cause constipation. However, this side effect can make TCAs extremely useful for people who suffer from IBS-D. Note that TCAs can make you feel tired, so you might find it helpful to take them before bed rather than when you wake up.

To learn more about IBS treatments, contact a health centre.

421 Words

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Stay Healthy: Visit a Health Care Clinic Your health won't look after itself. If you want to live a long and active life, it is important that you understand the services and treatments which are on offer at your local health care clinic. Now, I'm not a health professional but I do have a passion for everything related to personal well-being and health. I've dedicated my time to carefully researching everything you might want to know about local healthcare such as health care costs, healthcare in the workplace, disease prevention, exercise, where you can get a good night's sleep, body awareness, chronic conditions and how to get the right treatment and diagnosis. Read on to find out more!


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