4 Common Signs You Might Be Suffering From Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition that sees tissue much like that which lines your womb growing in other places. Common areas include the ovaries, bowels, bladder and behind the uterus, but rare cases can see it growing in other parts of your body, such as the lungs.

It's an issue that can affect anyone who menstruates, and it can cause infertility when left untreated. The only way to receive a firm diagnosis is by visiting your doctor, but it's worth learning the most common warning signs. This will enable you to act quickly and receive treatment as soon as possible.

With that in mind, here are just four common signs of endometriosis.

1. Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain is one of the most common signs of endometriosis, though pain can spread to the lower back or abdomen. This often happens during sex or masturbation – in fact, women with endometriosis may think pain during sex is normal. Pelvic pain may also become worse during bowel movements or urination, and you're likely to suffer from excessively painful menstrual cramps. If you experience such pain frequently or for long stretches of time, it's well worth seeing a medical professional as soon as possible.

2. Heavy Periods

Endometriosis often results in heavy periods. Those suffering may find they are using more pads or tampons than is normal, and it's possible you may bleed through your clothes. If you are soaking pads or tampons in less than an hour, endometriosis might be the cause. You may also notice yourself passing large blood clots, bleeding for longer than seven days or experiencing spotting between periods.

3. Trouble Getting Pregnant

Untreated endometriosis can lead to fibrosis, and your ovarian tubes can be impacted when the condition causes pelvic organs to bond. As such, endometriosis can make it harder to get pregnant, so this could be the case if you are struggling to conceive even when no other symptoms present themselves. If caught and treated early, it's possible you will be able to conceive in the future, so it makes sense to seek assistance as soon as possible.

4. Extreme Fatigue

Women suffering from endometriosis often experience extreme fatigue during and around the time of their period. This goes beyond what is normal, with many women feeling like they cannot keep their eyes open or as if they have taken a tranquillizer. When endometriosis is the root cause of such fatigue, it is often followed by a flare-up of pelvic pain.

Contact a womens health service for more information.

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Stay Healthy: Visit a Health Care Clinic Your health won't look after itself. If you want to live a long and active life, it is important that you understand the services and treatments which are on offer at your local health care clinic. Now, I'm not a health professional but I do have a passion for everything related to personal well-being and health. I've dedicated my time to carefully researching everything you might want to know about local healthcare such as health care costs, healthcare in the workplace, disease prevention, exercise, where you can get a good night's sleep, body awareness, chronic conditions and how to get the right treatment and diagnosis. Read on to find out more!


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